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Gambling Planet Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi certainly drew mixed emotions and reviews from die hard fans. Find out how the Canto Bight story-line split fans opinions on the franchise right down the middle. Disney and Lucasfilm want Star Wars fans to be shrouded in mystery when it comes to The Last Jedi. Be that as it may, one thing they haven't kept under wraps is another planet that is basically one mammoth giant casino. This place was affirmed in various Last Jedi set photographs that released a year ago.


Gambling Planet Last Jedi Starfighter

Any potential meet-up with an older Lando Calrissian is definitely going to happen mid-hustle. Star Wars: The Last Jedi is rumored to have plenty of casino scenes, and, now, that casino world might just have a name. And Benicio Del Toro’s unknown Man in Black character just might have a home planet.

Making Star Wars, the popular Star Wars fan site, posted about what it’s calling the “Dubrovnik planet” on Tuesday, sharing a photo supposedly from the set of The Last Jedi and “revealing” what the site thinks is a new, casino-esque planet, the name of which has apparently been heard from several “quality sources” as Canto Bight.

As the post points out, Canto Bight would be the result of The Last Jedi’s rumored filming in Dubrovnik, Croatia, a 16th-Century city with a feel very different from any other location in Star Wars history. These connections have led to the conclusion that Canto Bight will possibly be a neon-lit, medieval-ish planet with a large city dedicated to gambling.

And since Del Toro’s character is still shadowed in mystery, it’s easy to assume a space-hustler type (the kind Del Toro is expected to play) would hang out on a neon-lit casino world. Maybe he hangs out there with Lando, and he’s an old buddy of Chewbacca’s from back in the day. Maybe that’s where the rumored new hacker character also hangs out. Maybe that’s where Rey will find her parents. Maybe Han Solo is hanging out there, still alive. The possibilities are endless, especially when dealing with rumors such as this.

Gambling Planet Last Jedi

Star Wars: The Last Jedi premieres in theaters December 15.


Gambling Planet Last Jedi Lego

There’s been disturbances in the Force for quite awhile now about Kylo Renflying a starfighter not unlike the special ship piloted by his granddaddy Darth Vader. And now, there’s the first glimpse of that ship in action. It’s called the Tie Silencer, perhaps because it is very very quiet, or perhaps because it shuts people up.

Gambling Planet Last Jedi Cast

On Wednesday, Entertainment Weekly dropped enough new Last Jedi news to fill a space cruiser. Among the many revelations — including space nuns — was a good look at Kylo “Don’t Call Me Solo” Ren’s new ride. The silencer was flanked by a regular TIE Fighter, which EW referred to as “expendable.” Perhaps if First Order didn’t view most of its employees as expendable, then it’s possible those same people wouldn’t feel moved to defect and become “big deals” in the Resistance. Then again, Kylo Ren probably doesn’t have time for HR issues like that when he’s flying around his sick Tie Silencer.

EW also revealed a new shot of a casino on the planet Canto Bright. There are some new cool-looking spiked-spaceships on the landing pads, which apparently have a new backstory, too. There was also the first offical shot of the all-red Praetorian Guards, who presumably, will guard Supreme Leader Snoke.

Last Jedi Gambling Planet

All in all, the new photos from The Last Jedi convey one message: the film is big. Where The Force Awakens seemed to take place in a few locations, The Last Jedi seems to be filling out the details of the galaxy with more variety. There’s a variety of different palettes and thematic imagery working in these photos, so much so, that it’s hard to believe all of this stuff will be in the same movie.

Gambling Planet Last Jedi Movie

The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15.